Translation Grant Program, Ministry of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan)
By Books from Taiwan
Sep 05, 2018

Books from Taiwan supports the translation of Taiwanese literature into foreign languages with the Translation Grant Program, administered by The Ministry of Culture of Taiwan. The grant is to encourage the publication of translations of Taiwan’s literature, including fiction, non-fiction, picture books and comics, and help Taiwan’s publishing industry to explore non-Chinese international markets.


•    Applicant Eligibility: Foreign publishers (legal persons) legally registered in accordance with the laws and regulations of their respective countries, or foreign natural persons engaged in translation.

•    Conditions:
1. Works translated shall be original works (for example, including fiction, non-fiction, picture books and comics…but anthology is not included) by Taiwanese writers (R.O.C. nationality) in traditional Chinese characters.
2. Priority is given to works to be translated and published for the first time in a non-Chinese language market.
3. Applicants are not limited to submitting only one project for funding in each application year; however, the same applicant can only receive funding for up to three projects in any given round of applications.
4. Projects receiving funding shall have already obtained authorization for translation, and be published within two years starting from the year after application year (published before the end of October).

•    Funding Items and Amount
1. The subsidy includes a licensing fee for the rights holder of original work, a translation fee and a production fee.
2. The maximum funding available for any given project is NT$ 500,000 (including income tax and remittance charges).

•    Application Period: From September 1 to September 30 every year.
•    Announcement of successful applications: Before December 15 every year.
•    Application Method: Please visit the Ministry’s “Books from Taiwan” (BFT) website (http://booksfromtaiwan.tw/), and use the online application system.

For full details of the Translation Grant Program, please visit
Or contact: books@moc.gov.tw

*Recommended Books for Translation Grant Program: http://bit.ly/2MQvJ84